Design and handcraft a MacBook charger case using wet-molded leather. This case offers exceptional convenience during charging and effectively protects your charger when it's not in use or during transport. Not only does it guard against scuffs and yellowing, but it also adds a touch of luxury to what is traditionally viewed as a purely utilitarian item.

Embark on a mission to create the fanciest MacBook charger that seamlessly combines functionality with uncompromised protection. This project is all about design and craftsmanship.

Our goal: to engineer a charger case that revolutionizes the charging experience. We're aiming for two key objectives:

  1. Seamless Charging Experience: The case should make charging your MacBook an absolute breeze. No more fumbling or tangling. We want to offer a user-friendly design that ensures ease of use while the charger is actively powering up your device.
  2. Unrivaled Protection: But our case doesn't stop there. It's also a fortress of defense when your charger isn't in use or during transport. Say goodbye to scuffs and yellowing. We're taking protection to the next level to ensure your charger remains in pristine condition.

Our vision: To elevate the charger case from a mere utilitarian necessity to a symbol of luxury and style. We're not just offering protection; we're giving you a touch of luxury in every interaction. It's more than just a must-carry item; it's an accessory that complements your MacBook and your lifestyle.

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Project made for


September 2022

(Duration of



Tools and Methodologies: