PROJECT UNDER DEVELOPMENT. Design, simulation, and fabrication of a shape-shifting retail mannequin that seamlessly adjusts to various body types. We aim to enhance the shopping experience, promote size inclusivity, and increase customer satisfaction. The mannequin adjusts dimensions to reflect diverse body types, primarily displaying elastic garments without distortion. Utilizing soft robotics technology ensures a natural representation and enhances the shopping experience.

Project proposal

Project definition

The retail industry is experiencing a significant shift towards inclusivity to recognize the diverse body types of today's consumers. However, traditional mannequins cannot represent this variety, hindering shoppers' ability to visualize how garments might look on them. Studies such as "Mannequin Size on Consumers' Perception of Self and Satisfaction with Fit" highlight that a mismatch between the mannequin size and shopper size can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, discouraging trying on clothes. That study also found that shoppers who see clothes on mannequins closer to their size are likelier to try them on, ultimately impacting sales and brand perception [1].

This project proposes a revolutionary solution: designing and fabricating a shape-shifting retail mannequin. This innovative technology will allow mannequins to seamlessly conform to different body types, providing shoppers with a more realistic and relatable representation. By addressing this critical gap, we aim to:

This project can transform the retail industry by developing a more inclusive and engaging shopping experience. With the increasing demand for size inclusivity in fashion, innovative technological solutions are needed to create new and unique experiences that can remain relevant in a dominant world of online shopping.

General Objective (Design Brief)

Design, build, and test a scale model of a display mannequin that can vary its musculature.

Specific Objectives

Product Definition

A retail mannequin can slightly adjust its dimensions to assume female and male musculatures with various heights. This mannequin is intended for use in the showcases of large clothing retailers. These mannequins will display primarily elastic garments that allow the robot to conform to different musculatures without distorting the garment. Individuals approaching the showcase will stand before the mannequin to have their bodies scanned. Based on this data, the mannequin will modify its dimensions to match the scanned person’s. It is proposed to manufacture this mannequin as a soft robot for the following reasons, significantly enhancing the buyer's, seller's, and retailer's experience:

Given the wide variety of musculature present in humans, this robot should have two primary states during its usage sequence:


The project is divided into four main stages, each corresponding to one of the five specific objectives of the project. These stages are essential to achieving the project's goals.

Kinematic Design

  1. Take reference dimensions from a scale female mannequin.
  2. Estimate the dimensions of the male body at the same scale.
  3. Define the directions in which each mannequin region should deform to adapt to male and female musculature.
  4. Characterize the material to be worked with.

Mechanical Design and Robot Morphology Simulation

  1. Design each region of the soft robot according to the smallest dimensions found in the previous stage.
  2. Simulate the design at the two primary states.
  3. Iterate steps 1 and 2 until satisfactory results are obtained for both states regarding the dimensions defined in the previous stage.


  1. Design mold components and assembly.
  2. Manufacture molds using 3D printing.
  3. Assemble the molds.
  4. Pour and let the silicone cure.
  5. Join the parts of the robot with uncured silicone.
  6. Build the robot's supporting structure.

Results Verification

  1. The indicated pressures for each region of the mannequin in each of the two states are determined through simulation.
  2. Export orthographic views of the robot in the simulation for each state.
  3. Photographically document the experimental orthographic views exposed to the conditions of the two states.
  4. Compare the simulated orthographic views with the experimental ones and estimate discrepancies in the robot's main dimensions.

Expected Results

Future Work


[1]         A. Cohen, “Mannequin Size on Consumers’ Perception of Self and Satisfaction with Fit”.

Presentación Explicativa del producto

Descargue la presentación y los modelos CAD haciendo click aquí.


Paso 1. Aproximación a la silicona

Aprendizaje 1: El espesor es crítico para el desmolde de la pieza. Aquellas partes muy delgadas y con geometría intrincada se adhieren y atrapan al molde, lo que imposibilita su extracción sin romperlo.

Diseño para pruebas
Pruebas preliminares con 1mm de espesor de pared constante

Paso 2. Tipos de moldes

Se probaron dos tipos de moldes (rotomoldeo y por particiones), pero ninguno fue exitoso.

Aprendizaje 2: El rotomoldeo requiere de maquinaria en dos ejes con diferentes velocidades

Figura 4. Diseño en CAD del molde por rotomoldeo

Aprendizaje 3: El correcto diseño de un molde (partición del molde, lineas de unión, insertos, desmolde fácil) es crucial

Figura 5. Diseño en CAD del molde tradicional
Figura 8. Fragmentos obtenidos del primer vertido

Paso 3. Prueba de concepto

Figura 9. Detalle de la pared del robot
Figura 10. Robot terminado

Paso 4. Simulación

El comportamiento hiperelastico de las siliconas termoestables requiere de modelos hiperelásticos que respondan a presiones internas. Para esto, se puede usar SOFA:

Enmallado del modelo

Paso 5. Cadera y pecho

Enmallado con las cavidades
Enmallado para simulación
No items found.

Project made for


June 2024

(Duration of

